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Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding Policy - Children & Adults

Trinity church Totton




Safeguarding is taken seriously by Trinity church Totton.


We acknowledge both adults and children’s right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. We consider that, in accordance with legislation, the welfare of children is paramount. We will follow legislation, statutory guidance and recognised good practice.


We will seek to establish a caring environment in which there is an informed vigilance about the dangers of abuse.


We will implement, maintain and regularly review the procedures outlined in this policy, which are designed to prevent and to be alert to such abuse.


We will appoint a Safeguarding Coordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator who will have specific responsibilities for safeguarding, although we recognise that safeguarding is a whole Church responsibility.


We will organise activities in such a way as to promote a safe environment and minimise the risk of harm to children and adults at risk.


We will follow a safer recruitment process for the selection and appointment of people to work with children or adults in need of protection, whether voluntary or paid, lay or ordained.


We are committed to providing support and supervision, resources and training, to those who work with children and adults at risk.


We will use rigorous and careful supervision to protect people from the risks associated with known offenders within and associated with the Church, including implementing contracts with known offenders and those who have been assessed as posing a risk, which could include partners of offenders.


We believe that domestic abuse in all its forms is unacceptable and inconsistent with a Christian way of living and can affect both adults and children.


All concerns and allegations of abuse, including domestic abuse, will be responded to appropriately, including referring to the Police and Social Care if necessary, either Children’s or Adult services.


We will co-operate with the Police, Children’s and Adult’s Services in any investigation, will follow multi agency decisions and will maintain confidentiality of any investigations to those directly involved.


We will refer concerns about employees - volunteers and paid, lay or ordained - that meet the relevant criteria, to the Local Authority Designated Officer and the Synod Safeguarding Team.

Our statement of safeguarding Principles is attached as
Appendix 1.


The Safeguarding Co-ordinator is the person to whom all concerns or allegations should be addressed. They can be contacted as detailed below  

Name:                                 Holly Harris

Contact phone number:     0778 335 0553

Email address:          


In the absence of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, the Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator should be contacted. Their contact details are displayed on the premises at Trinity Church


Sources of advice, guidance, and support


Synod Safeguarding Officer Sharon Barr (Child and Adult): 07776178246


Thirtyone:Eight Service helpline: Tel 0303 003 1111

(NB This should only be used for urgent advice if you are unable to contact the Synod Safeguarding Officer who works outside ordinary office hours)


The Local Authority’s Social Care departments can be contacted as below

Local County Council, Children’s social care department.
Tel: 0300 555 1384
Out of hours. Tel: 0300 555 1373

Local County Council, Adult social care department.
Tel: 0300 555 1386
Out of hours. Tel: 0300 555 1373



NSPCC Tel:   0808 800 5000



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