Eco ChurcH
Eco Blog by Chris Marshall (Member of our church)
Eco thoughts for March
And still it rains!! But despite these wet and windy days the snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses are staring to show once again, in all their glory, to brighten up our gardens or green spaces along the road verges, so take time to look and reflect that even in the dullest times there is beauty in God’s creation. If you are fortunate to have a pond you may have noticed the frog spawn that has been laid in the past week or so, with the warm weather heralding a new breeding season. One of the positives of all this rain is the many puddles and ditches that now have clumps of spawn in too.
Unfortunately, during a very dry spring these temporary water bodies dry up leaving the tadpoles stranded before they can develop, but the wetter the spring the better their chances of survival; so we may yet see a healthy population of young frogs this year! This in turn is great for gardeners as they will eat slugs that feed on young plants and vegetables. So even though the weather may be dismal try to dedicate quality time to appreciate creation’s beauty, and thank God for the hope that spring can bring.
With that in mind Trinity Church will be holding their annual Plant Sale in May so perhaps you could think about growing some seeds to bring along to sell. You don’t need a large greenhouse to start growing flowers or vegetables, a small window sill will do as long as seeds get light and water, and is a great way to get children involved. It is exciting to see the first shoots push through the soil and a great reward for a little time and effort.
Our Eco sub group has now met for the first time with new ideas and inspiration so watch this space for updates and tips for the months ahead. And don’t forget to visit the A Rocha UK website where you can find a wealth of resources to read through anytime.