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Eco ChurcH

Eco Blog by Chris Marshall (Member of our church)


As we journey into 2024, through the drab, wet and sometimes stormy days of January and into February, try prioritising some time to enjoy the nature that is all around you. This could be anything from bird watching (birds are already taking an interest in our nesting boxes) to writing about or drawing something that inspires you in nature, growing your own fruit or vegetables, or exploring an area of the New Forest which is right on our doorstep. It may seem grey and dull out there but if you look closely there is still plenty to see, such as those new shoots poking through the mud and leaves; Nature is not dead it is just resting, re-energising, and waiting for the perfect time to spring back to life in all its’ glory. Whatever you do try to look at nature in a new way this coming year, fall in love with what is on offer and allow it to lead your thoughts towards God our Creator.


In February try Going green for Lent. The weeks leading up to Easter are a time for self-reflection, repentance and emulating Jesus’ obedience to the Father. Perhaps there is something you’d like to give up or take up during Lent that will enable you to reflect on God, contribute to our planet’s well-being and enhance others’ lives through sustainable, eco-friendly living?


It is often difficult to keep up enthusiasm if you feel you are on your own and, here at Trinity, we need to keep encouraging one another to care for and protect God’s wonderful creation. But a church too can feel isolated so a few Eco team members from various churches in the Southampton Circuit have met together to encourage, inspire and share successes and difficulties in moving forward to reach certain objectives. Like all of Nature, we too need to be nurtured and fed, and the more we link up, create a cohesive network in our churches’ thinking, the more likely we are to achieve our goals for a greener way of life which will benefit our environment and each other.


Let’s keep inspiring! Please let myself or Penny know if you would like to join in with Trinity’s Eco Church group, we would welcome your input.


Thank you


Eco Church - An A Rocha UK Project

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