​​​​February 2025 Events
All at the church unless otherwise stated
Sunday 9 February - Racial Justice Sunday
10:30am - Morning Worship - Pat Oliver
Tuesday 11 February
7:30pm - "Exploring Faith" - "What does it mean to be in fellowship?"
Wednesday 12 February
Girls' Brigade - 6:00pm Explorers/Juniors - 7:00pm Seniors/Brigadiers
Sunday 16 February
10:30am - All Age Worship - Led by Revd Penny Thorne
11:30am - General Church Meeting follows service
Tuesday 18 February
7:30pm - "Exploring Faith" - "What does it mean to be in fellowship?"
Wednesday 19 February
10:00am - “RU Board” games and Coffee Morning
(1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month)
12:30pm - “Soup & Sweet” lunch
There is no charge, but donations towards costs are welcome
Any excess will go towards Church funds.
(Soup and Sweet is 3rd Wednesday each month)
Girls' Brigade are on Half-Term holiday this week
Thursday 20 February
1.00pm - Carer’s Café (3rd Thursday each month)
Friday 21 February
10:00am - “Crafts & Chatter” morning (3rd Friday each month)
​​Sunday 23 February
10:30am - Morning Worship - Led by "Eden"
Tuesday 25 February
7:30pm - "Exploring Faith" - "What does it mean to be in fellowship?"
Wednesday 26 February
Girls' Brigade - 6:00pm Explorers/Juniors - 7:00pm Seniors/Brigadiers