Pastoral Message for February
from our Minister - Revd Penny Thorne
Greetings Friends,
Here we are in February. It always feels like a cold and dark month to me so I have to look carefully for the things that will lift my spirits, things that I can give thanks for. Things like watching a good film or meeting friends for coffee or doing a jigsaw sitting by the radiator are important!
Some like to celebrate Valentines Day this month. I wonder how many of those people celebrating Valentines Day know much about Saint Valentine. What we do know about Saint Valentine are small pieces of information gleaned from various sources (so it could be wrong!) It’s believed that he lived in 3rd Century Italy and was a clergyman who ministered to persecuted Christians. At this time Christianity was still looked down on by the state. Consequently, his work led him to be captured and put to death. My favourite piece of information about him is that he is also the patron saint of Beekeepers, which seems really random! There is a lot of guess work about why Saint Valentine became the patron saint of love, and many stories have been created around Valentine to justify the patronage.
For me the whys and wherefores don’t matter. It is obvious that Valetine loved God, loved Jesus and loved his fellow citizens. He gave up his life for the sake of that love. I think it is entirely appropriate for all of us to celebrate Saint Valentines Day as a day that upholds all different types of love for each other. Our God is the God of love for all and Jesus encouraged us to share that love with each other. That’s a good enough reason for me to be celebrating the life of this Christian, Saint Valentine.
With Love and Peace
Rev Penny​