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Pastoral Message for March
from our Minister - Revd Penny Thorne

Dear Friends 

It finally feels as if Spring has fully arrived. The days are getting warmer, the daffodils are in full bloom and the birds are chirping away at the crack of dawn. I love the Springtime. I am convinced that, really, I was designed to hibernate through the winter! To me Spring feels as if it truly is a time of reawakening after a dark and wet winter.

I am so glad that Easter falls in springtime for us. As we look ahead to Easter, the signs of Spring help me to focus on what Easter is all about. We will remember the events of Christ’s last week, we will mourn the terrible tragedy of Christ’s death and we will celebrate the power and love of God in Christ’s resurrection. The Easter story shows that after the darkness comes the light. Darkness followed by light happens when Spring follows Winter and it happens in our own lives too. The Easter story is our reminder that whatever darkness we may face, we can stand firm knowing that God will bring light eventually.

Lynne and I are looking forward

to spending our first Easter with

you at Trinity.


We wish you all a blessed

and joyful Easter.

With Love

                            Revd Penny Thorne

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