Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding Policy - Children & Adults
Trinity church Totton
Aims and purpose of this Policy
The aim of this policy is to provide procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse and protecting the vulnerable, children, adults at risk and employees. This includes clear procedures for taking appropriate action following the raising of safeguarding concerns involving children and adults at risk within our Church, or those who attend our activities and events.
Who this policy applies to
This policy is approved and endorsed by the Elders/Trustees and applies:
to those who attend our church/place of worship;
to our Trustees and employees (both paid and voluntary)
to organisations who hire our buildings and who, under exceptional circumstances and with prior agreement of the trustees, agree to operate under the Church safeguarding policy.
These policies and procedures are interpreted in the light of the most recent United Reformed Church good practice guidance. (GP4)
Children and parents/carers will be informed of this policy, and our procedures.
Children refers to those under the age of 18 years.
Duty of care and confidentiality
We have a duty of care to beneficiaries of the Charity, either adults at risk or children.
We will maintain confidentiality except in circumstances where to do so would place the individual or another individual at risk.
Conditions for Hirers
Organisations wishing to hire our building for activities with children or adults at risk must confirm in writing that they will follow the principles of this safeguarding policy as a condition of the letting agreement. If they have their own safeguarding policy, they will be asked to sign a statement to that effect. If they do not have their own safeguarding policy, the Church will require them to adopt one before agreeing to the hire (e.g. by referring them to for guidance). In some exceptional cases, the Church may agree to a small organisation adopting the Church safeguarding policy and procedures.