Eco ChurcH
Eco Blog by Chris Marshall (Member of our church)
Eco thoughts for June - The Great Big Green Week
The Great Big Green Week, 8th -16th June 2024, will be the UK’s biggest ever celebration to date, of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Over the last few years, people have come together to unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet; tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country celebrated the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change.
The first GBGW took place in September 2021, and was the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. Communities came together once more in September 2022, with over a quarter of a million people getting involved. In 2023 the event took place in June and national organisations, institutions, businesses and media outlets joined in, ultimately putting pressure on the government to up its game on climate change
The GBGW sees all kinds of events take place. This year the theme is based around Swaps, from clothes to book swaps, to skill swaps in allotments or upcycling workshops, to knowledge swaps on discussion panels or wildlife reserves. Events will be hosted by teachers, sports clubs, artists, community groups, libraries, in fact anyone who cares about climate change.
The Great Big Green Week will show that people across the UK are making swaps everyday to help create a better tomorrow, so please share any useful tips you may have, from swapping mainstream beauty or household products to eco ones, swapping to local produce from those that are transported across the world or even just swapping ideas to encourage others to save electricity or water in our daily lives.
Local Green Weeks or Community hubs will be celebrating local activities, to raise the profile of climate change and show why it is relevant to the community and local decision makers.
Avenue St. Andrew’s will be holding a ‘Climate Truth with Hope’ event on Friday 14 June to help us all think, talk and act, so if you are able to, come along and help learn together how we can do our little bit and be part of the Great Big Green Week 8-16 June 2024.
(For further information on Avenue St Andrew’s event visit Climate Truth with Hope - Great Big Green Week or see poster in church foyer. Or see Great Big Green Week for more ideas).