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Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding Policy Statement


Below are links to download the elements of our Safeguarding Policy at Trinity Church.


We are a joint church and part of both the Methodist and United Reformed Church denominations, each of which has their own national policy.  It has been agreed that Trinity Church will follow the overall URC Safeguarding policy which can be downloaded from the links below.  Appendices show the details of our policies which reflect Trinity Church's own situation.


The documents linked to are all pdfs.  Some of these pdfs contain links to other websites / sections of the URC website.  The content of these sites is the responsibility of the organisations concerned.


Master URC Policy​ - Introduction

Master URC Policy - Commitments, Values and Responsibilities

Master URC Policy - Safer Culture

Master URC Policy - Safer Activities

Master URC Policy - Recognising and responding to concerns

Master URC Policy - Allegations and people who pose risk to others

Master URC Policy - Supporting victims and survivors

Master URC Policy - Index (page numbers are continuous through above)


​Appendix 1 - Guidance on Safeguarding for LEP's (Joint churches)

Appendix 2 - Trinity Church Safeguarding Policy

Appendix 3 - Trinity Church Safeguarding Policy Statement

Appendix 4 - Role of Church Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Appendix 5 - Who needs a DBS check

Appendix 6 - Code of Conduct for workers with children

Appendix 7 - Code of Conduct for workers with vulnerable adults

Appendix 8 - Trinity Church On-line safety policy

Appendix 9 - Contact details for relevant organisations


The full document, including various consent forms and other items not shown here, is available for inspection on the Church premises.


Trinity Church Totton
Hazel Farm Road
West Totton
SO40 8WU


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