Prayer Week
Prayer is an important part of the life of the Church and of the life of each of us as individual Christians.
From Sunday 4 August to Sunday 11 August we are having our annual Prayer Week when the church will be open for prayer for a time each day and there will be various activities to help us with prayer.
Each day of the week, the church will be open for prayer between 10:00am and 12:30pm. Coffee and biscuits will be available for us all to share during this time.
The programme of special events is as below.
Sunday 4 August @ 10:30am
"Café Style" Morning Worship with Communion.
After the service will be a "Bring Your Own" picnic
Monday 5 August @ 10:00am to 12:30pm - "Holiday at Home"
Holiday activities for children
Film show and "Mocktails" for others
​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tuesday 6 August @ 10:00am to 12:30pm - "Death Matters" Café
A chance to talk about anything linked to death and dying.
A memorial candle prayer station will be available.
Tuesday 6 August @ 7:30pm - "Exploring Faith" Group
Investigating different versions of the Lord's Prayer.
Wednesday 7 August @ 10:00am to 12:30pm
The Church will be open for quiet prayer with prayer stations
Our regular "RU Board" games group will be meeting in the Hall
Wednesday 7 August @ 7:30pm -
Prayer and Praise with "Eden"
​​​​​​​​​​​Thursday 8 August @ 10:00am to 12:30pm
Crafting and filling bags for those in need
God is with us as we help others.
Friday 9 August @ 10:00am to 12:30pm
The Church will be open for quiet prayer with prayer stations
Saturday 10 August @ 10:00am to 12:30pm
The Church will be open for quiet prayer with prayer stations
From 10:00 to 11:00am there will be a session on "Meditation from a Christian perspective"
Sunday 11 August @ 10:30am - Morning Worship
A contemplative service to finish our Prayer Week.
All are welcome to share, whether you want to come for most of the events or can only attend one or two.