EXploring Faith
"Exploring Faith" is a study/
discussion group which meets on
Tuesday evenings at the church.
The sessions will include some study
and "teaching" so we all learn
something about God and our lives
with him. But the emphasis is on
friendly discussion and fellowship so
that we can also all share and learn
from each other.
We meet each Tuesday (7.30 to 9.00 pm.) in the Lounge at Trinity.
Our topic to start this Autumn Session will be 'Paul and the Letter to the Philippians'. These sessions are open to everyone and we learn (and often laugh) together!
Lynne Matthews - Group Leader
All are welcome, even if you cannot come every week. We plan that "Exploring Faith" will be a regular meeting and you will be welcome whether you can come most weeks or only from time to time.
Although this is an evening group, if there is sufficient interest a daytime group with a similar programme may be organised.